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Our Bodies are Sacred

Writer's picture: Penny Muller Penny Muller

Every aspect of our physical selves should be accepted, embraced and loved

In our world, the Divine Feminine is continuing to rise in alignment with the Divine Masculine. Both energies will soon move into balance. The highest aspects of both will become embodied within the men and women of our planet. To become who we are, much growth and experience was required, and there has been much pain. It would be beneficial, now, to develop compassion for both genders and the biological and societal programming that has driven us, as well as appreciation for the evolution of consciousness that this has afforded over the past centuries. There is much healing necessary for both men and women; many layers that must be peeled back and examined by the individual and the collective. As explored in the Barbie movie, both women and men have suffered as a result of the patriarchy. Both have been confused about their roles. As men begin to explore who they want to be in this world going forward, we, as women, must also find our place and embrace the energies of both the feminine and the masculine within us.

To embrace the beauty of the Divinity within us, we must also embrace the humanity. Our purpose in a human incarnation is not to elevate ourselves above the aspects that make us human. Instead, we are here to morph into more evolved humans with abilities to utilise our additional strands of DNA. We have the capacity to become much more of who we are. So, because of this, it is necessary that we do not reject the human aspects of ourselves - our minds, our emotions, and our bodies. It is the body that I would like to focus on in this blog, as this is the most physical, concrete aspect of ourselves as humans - the foundation, you could say. As souls, we chose to inhabit the bodies we are in, and because of this, I believe we need to become fully embodied within them. To do this, I believe we should enjoy opportunities to become familiar with them, to become friendly with them, and to appreciate and embrace them as they are during every stage of our lives.

Over the last few years, as part of my Spiritual and self-development journey, I have researched many ways to explore my relationship with my body and with the feminine. As I have come to experience the benefits of this closer connection with my body, I have begun to share some of my findings. In many ways, this has been quite subtle - I created a period journal to encourage women to embrace their cycle and apply more self-care and nurturing during this time. I have used beautiful drawings of women's bodies from Canva for some of my self-development projects to encourage women to explore the sensual and erotic aspects of themselves. I have only recently referred briefly to self-pleasure, just dipping my toes into the water in regard to talking about our right for pleasure and ownership of our bodies, as women, and its significant potential for the healing of our reproductive organs and our relationships with our bodies that is so greatly needed. I also recently recorded a YouTube video talking about perimenopause, with my realisation that many women are unaware that this period of physical and Spiritual growth and awakening can, and very often does, begin many years prior to menopause. Most women of my age are experiencing this phase, although many are not aware of it.

Even these small forays into so-called taboo topics have created discomfort in some people around me. Particularly my YouTube video, ''I love my vulva'', has been challenging for some, who have chosen not to engage with it. Society has programmed us to reject our bodies, and many are uncomfortable, even, with the words associated with them. For us, hearing the word ''vulva'' feels awkward, however in an old movie that I was watching the other night, a very cute movie called "Good Morning, Miss Dove'', the straightlaced teacher, Miss Dove, feels that the word ''leg'' is inappropriate. She refers to her ''limb'' when informing the doctor that her leg is paralysed. When reading the comments on a YouTube video that touched on the topic of perimenopause, I noticed women using terms like ''my thing'', when referring to their period. In the past, women would reference the ''curse''. What greater rejection of self exists than to refer to the magical process that enables life to be created as a ''curse''? Women who have embraced their period as the sacred process that it is have found that unwanted symptoms can decrease or almost disappear as a result.

When making the ''vulva'' video, I chose to use commonly used anatomical terminology, particularly with my understanding that many women are not aware of the anatomical names for their female body parts. Language must evolve and we can be instrumental in choosing language that is more supportive for us. It might be helpful, first, however, to examine the origins of the existing terms to decide whether they should be embraced or replaced. Multiple sources refer to the root word of the term ''vulva'' as the Latin ''volvere'', meaning to turn, twist, roll or revolve, or relating to something that is curved or enclosed. As the word ''vulva'' refers to the external female sexual anatomy, and there is no other appropriate term with the same meaning, it seems logical to use it. The sound of the spoken word may be similar to ''vulgar'', as was pointed out to me, however I choose to associate it with the word ''velvet'', which seems more fitting.

The ''vagina'', a word used interchangeable and incorrectly with ''vulva'', in the Latin, means ''sheath'', which can be taken to mean a sheath for a sword or simply a covering for a space. Some prefer the Sanskrit ''yoni'' in place of ''vulva'' or ''vagina'', which translates to ''source'' or ''womb''. The yoni was seen as the sacred portal through which a baby is birthed, associated with the Hindu goddess Shakti, who symbolises abundance, fertility, creativity and power. I prefer the word ''yoni'' for this reason. The word ''masturbation'' has negative connotations, with associations such as ''defile'' or ''dishonour''. This historically referred to this practice in relation to men, who viewed it as less ''masculine'' than having sex with a woman. For women, the discussion has historically been avoided. ''Masturbation'', therefore, is a derogatory term that needs to be replaced. Using the term ''self-pleasure'' is my preference.

It did not occur to me that I would be having these discussions in a public space, however my reluctance to do so is precisely the reason that these discussions need to be facilitated. Historically, men have given over their bodies in defense of king and country, and women have given over their bodies in return for security and survival. It pains me to think that our bodies, and indeed, our lives, historically, have not been our own, and that this still happens today. It is a deep sadness within me. This is the greatest travesty against the human soul; that our lives and our bodies are not ours to use in alignment with our free will and Divine purposes. I could shy away from these topics, or I could lean into them - and I choose to lean in. Great awakening and healing need to take place within the collective, and this is inevitable with the evolution of consciousness and the rising of the frequency of this planet. There is a lightness in the energies that are infiltrating this planet, and it is palpable above the darkness that is being lifted to the surface. To accept the beauty and innocence of the world that is to come, we will have to accept and embrace the beauty and the innocence that is within ourselves. Every aspect of our physical selves, our emotional bodies, our past and parallel lives, and our galactic heritage must be accepted with love and taken into ourselves as part of ourselves and who we will become. We must accept and love all aspects of ourselves in order to create a harmonious and peaceful world.

Although our bodies should belong only to ourselves, there is potential for sacred union with another person that goes far beyond the reciprocal relationships and ''situationships'' that are common in our world. This, I believe, is something that many have not yet experienced in the physical, myself included. This merging of hearts and bodies is what, deep down, we yearn for, but it is rare in a world in which rejection of the self is the norm. I don't believe there is any virtue in bypassing the pleasures of the physical body and the merging of one with another in deference to our so-called Spiritual evolution, particularly as most have not yet explored these aspects of our humanness to this level. To love is Divine - to love ourselves, to love our flaws and errors, and to love another. And, there is no virtue in the rejection of any aspect of the self in preference for loving another. Both types of love can and should coexist. Let's start with the healing. Let's reclaim our bodies as the Divine instruments they are. If we can start the conversation, refresh the language we use and choose, support one another in diffusing the ancestral shame and trauma that we carry - as both men and women, and work on full embodiment of our physical, human selves with loving self-care, we will come closer to reaching the state of sovereignty and unconditional love that we long for. It is a privilege to be here for this Divine mission in these beautiful bodies that have been gifted for our use. This is our destiny and our birthright.

For those who dare....

Please watch with the volume on, as the music really adds to this video.

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