In making choices that support our expansion, we allow our higher potential to be realised
Fear - Kahlil Gibran
It is said that before entering the sea
a river trembles with fear.
She looks back at the path she has traveled,
from the peaks of the mountains,
the long winding road crossing forests and villages.
And in front of her,
she sees an ocean so vast,
that to enter
there seems nothing more than to disappear forever.
But there is no other way.
The river can not go back.
Nobody can go back.
To go back is impossible in existence.
The river needs to take the risk
of entering the ocean
because only then will fear disappear,
because that's where the river will know
it's not about disappearing into the ocean,
but of becoming the ocean.
I sat in my chair in the main hall at Omega Institute of Holistic Studies in Rhinebeck, New York, listening to the words and light language channeled by Judy Satori, drifting in and out of a deep meditative state from which it was difficult to awaken. She talked about us stepping into new versions of ourselves as a result of these activations of our DNA. I felt my body swaying and my head swirling as if in a deep sleep, almost the way I felt on my first two days in New York, trying to wake from the jet lag-induced afternoon naps that had seemed to transport me to other dimensions. Without opening my eyes, I wiped away tears that seemed to come from nowhere, wondering what they were for, then realising they were tears of gratitude. I understood that in saying yes to the journey that Spirit had called me to, that had taken me to this time and place - sitting in the hall at Omega, I had already morphed into a new and upgraded version of myself. I remembered that each time in my life when I had stepped through my fear and into the unknown, some of my fear had fallen away. In allowing myself to be carried into the vastness of the ocean - knowing that I was being supported by its strength, I had become the ocean. When I read this poem by Kahlil Gibran that popped up on social media in the days preceding my trip, I felt an immediate resonance with the message, and now knew that I had the words to explain my decision to go.
While listening to Judy read from her book, Sunshine Before the Dawn, I reflected on the miracle that is our lives, and the significance of this coming together of humans from around the globe who had most likely been connected in other lifetimes and dimensions. Thinking about Judy's story, about her mission as a Sirian ambassador to Earth who helped create the new human, I wondered if perhaps I really had lived many lives on Earth as I had been told. Perhaps I really had been a courtesan in Paris, a first responder in World War Two, a Greek immigrant in Melbourne, a healer burned at the stake, a stolen child, a mother with leprosy, and an African slave. Perhaps I had really lived many lives in France as a healer and performing artist. Maybe my sense that I had lived in Ancient Greece and 18th Century Vienna was, in fact, real. I listened to the words from the book that Judy had channeled from her Star family:
When you go to Earth you will not go alone. There are many souls who are preparing now to incarnate on Earth. You will all go together to hold the Light. For four great cycles of time you will be reborn into many bodies and have many different life experiences...
As you and your kind intermarry with the root races of this planet, Earth, you will generate a new kind of hu-man and the combined genetics of the Star Nations will in time be held within the DNA of all the people of the Earth...
For all of you together hold the Light of the One, and together you will create the Sunshine before the Dawn.
I do believe that I am on a similar mission, as, in various ways, are all souls who presently reside on Earth - that it is no mistake that I was drawn to Judy Satori's work, to New York, to Rhinebeck, in this moment in time, to receive these activations. Those who I call my Celestial Team - my Angelic family, supported me in incredible ways during every moment of this trip and I feel immense gratitude for their support and for the mission that I have chosen. There is nothing to fear when we understand that the support is unconditional upon our asking for it - upon our choosing to be ''on mission''. When we decide to enter the ocean, the paths traveled, the peaks of the mountains, and the long winding road crossing forests and villages - all the twists and turns, detours, and challenges of our lives, seem to make sense in their culminating in that particular moment, and as we begin to ''become the ocean'', they start to cease to matter. We are then in a new reality - in a new body, a new mind, and a new spirit, that is less attached to the limitations of its humanness.
Like the river that cannot go back, we cannot go back to the lives we once had or the selves we once were. Eyes that have been opened cannot be closed, and hearts that have been opened, likewise, cannot cease to feel and to love. When we feel oneness with all that is greater than we are, and with our mission as part of the larger story of humanity, we can no longer be the river that continues on its solitary serpentine journey. We are droplets of the whole; beautiful representations of the new ''hu-man'' in connection with all of humanity and with our galactic sisters and brothers. When we feel the call to expansion, I believe we cannot go wrong in following that call, and that we will receive Divine support as a result of stepping into our self-chosen reasons for being. If these are unclear, it is because sometimes it takes time for us to remember what we came here to do. There might be things we need to do, learn or experience before we become aware of our Divine mission.
On the way home, the magical beauty of floating above the clouds echoed to me the thrill and surrender of entering the vastness of the ocean of our destiny. Whether we remain in this world or the next, in this dimension or in another, we are safe, we are whole, and we are protected by Spirit. If we can feel unity consciousness and connectedness, experience compassion, and give generously of ourselves in alignment with our purpose, we are doing what we came here to do. If we can hold light within us and radiate it outwards to heal and uplift Earth and humanity, in whichever professions or situations we choose to experience, we are on Divine mission.
I made a series of videos documenting my New York trip, and uploaded them onto a new YouTube Channel which you can access here: Spiritual Traveller Diaries - YouTube
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