Has your path been as you expected, or have many surprises unfolded?
''When I was seventeen, I felt like the tides had turned. Being at the tail end of high school felt like the end of something and the beginning of a whole new life. I felt that at last I was someone in the high school pecking order because I was almost done with school and was about to embark on the great adventure beyond. I would finally be able to choose what I allowed into my life and what I didn’t. I would no longer be shackled to the system, enslaved by the rigid school routine of nine to three. I wore my school tie with pride. Girls don’t typically wear ties, so I guess it was a novelty. I wore my tie pin (a delicate gold flute) and found a tiny button which I sewed onto my tie. Even then I felt the need to give a slight nod to individuality. The words on the button were, ''Paris, Milan, New York''. At the time, my priorities were probably London, Paris and New York, but it was good enough. What I envisioned for my future was sitting right there on my tie pin, and yes, I have been to London, Paris and New York - and Milan. Four times to London and three to Paris.''
- From my first book, Life's too short to drink green tea, and other thoughts on why on earth we're here.
I hope you will read my book on Kindle:
Life's too short to drink green tea; and other thoughts on why on earth we're here eBook : Muller, Penny: Amazon.com.au: Kindle Store
We had meditation this morning, and I was thinking, ''This is great. I'm not feeling at all emotional today. I'm centred, I'm matter of fact, I'm realistic, I'm practical, I'm grounded, I'm down to earth''. And, then I had a sudden urge to write a blog and include the above quote in it, and I found myself skim-reading my entire book with tears streaming down my face. It's basically an overview of my life up until the age of thirty-five, and a summary of my thoughts on multiple aspects of life as I saw it then. I cried for my past selves; for my innocence, for the challenges and the struggle, for the pain and heartbreak, and for all the things that held me back for so many years. And, of course, with gratitude for the adventures, the surprises and the gifts, and the love and support I have received from my family and friends, and from the Universe itself.
I believe that life is a balance of those experiences that we, as humans, call in, and those that unfold unexpectedly - called in, perhaps, by our souls or higher selves who are ensuring we fulfill our soul contracts and purposes for each lifetime. There is satisfaction in realising we've called in experiences of our choosing that appear with Divine flow and in Divine timing, and there is another type of satisfaction that is felt when the unexpected unfolds. I still believe that the lesson here is ''trust''. Our trust, or lack of, is a wonderful gauge of our alignment with Source. When we trust in Divine orchestration and Divine support, we are aligned with Source energy. When we are not, we are experiencing fear - a natural response, as humans, and perfectly justified, however when we allow ourselves to trust that we're Divinely supported, we experience an unfolding of life that is beautiful in its simplicity and in the abundance of synchronistic happenings that make life magical.
My younger self/selves found things a bit challenging, but she was also courageous and strong. She believed in a higher power and knew it was supporting her life, but she still struggled with fear and feelings of inadequacy. My friend asked me why I was crying when I read my book. I said that it was because I really love myself now, and I feel sorry for my younger selves. If only they had known what I know now, life would have been easier. We can't go back, but we can look back and see all the things that miraculously fell into place in our lives. We can recognise all the things that could have gone wrong, but didn't, and the priceless interactions and experiences that we had along the way. Nothing has ever really gone wrong - everything played out as it was meant to, and the outcomes were as they were, no doubt, meant to be. We survived and we gathered strength to go forward.
Travel is a fantastic way to build trust. When we are out of our familiar environment, there are more unknowns. We learn to let go of trying to control as much of our experience. In two weeks' time, I will be in New York, biting into the Big Apple - just joking, and I'm planning more of a long-term travel experience for next year. There is a time for ''safe'' and there is a time for expansion, and if we're paying attention, we will know when those times are. If you are called to expansion, go! - our higher selves might make things intolerable for us if we don't heed their calls. And, if life, at times, seems intolerable or particularly challenging, maybe this is the nudge that we are being given to consider other possibilities. Don't feel that there is something wrong with you if you are unsatisfied with the status quo. Chances are you are being called to experiences that are more expansive.
Read the message on the video below as inspiration. The energies are heightened this month. You can call into being experiences for your life. You can call into being trust, joy, love, flow and ease. Maybe, dream a little bigger this month.
This might not sound very Spiritual, but to quote Aunty Mame, ''Life's a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death'' - Patrick Dennis
Our meditation video from this week: Faeries in the Garden.
This is a toning and light language transmission from the 1st of August 2024, during our weekly meditation session. I allowed this morning's toning and light language session to unfold without clear intention, bringing The Starseed Oracle Card Deck by Rebecca Campbell, as I left the house. My friend said a prayer to bring in the elemental spirits to ground our energy. Listening to the birds chirping and in response to the beautiful light-filled morning, I sang to the garden, channeling butterflies, dragonflies, birds, tree spirits and the spirits of the clouds and the air, as well as, of course, the faeries in the garden. As always, the morning was abundant with synchronicities and magical connections for each of us. From the colour of our clothing to our thoughts during the morning, our inner work, flowers that ''glowed'', and key words that were repeated throughout the day: maidens, innocence, and forest.
Themes ranged from the children of the world needing protection to Mary Magdelene's empowering presence. One of us saw beautiful blues during the meditation, followed by a grey-white mist, almost like a cloud, reminiscent of the clouds I was channeling. The contrast of the blues and the reds - Mother Mary's and Mary Magdelene's colours, was not lost on us. Multiple aspects of the feminine were represented today, as witness to the pain of the world and the beauty of the incoming New Earth. Acknowledging one reality and celebrating the other - entering the portal of the upcoming Lion's Gate, and seeing this reflected in the card from The Starseed Oracle:
''Doors are opening for you. Your thoughts are extra powerful for you just now. Planets are aligning. The timing is right. The Universe is saying YES!''
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Or you can buy me a coffee: Penelope Rose is Spiritual / Self-Development Blog: pennymuller.com (buymeacoffee.com)