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Divinely Guided Children

Writer's picture: Penny Muller Penny Muller

Updated: Mar 1, 2022

I would like to share the incredible work Sherri Divband is doing for our children.

This is dedicated to the children we have, will have, or have been, and to the world's children; because they will inherit and create the future - The New Earth.

The last few years have been a time of spiritual growth and learning for me, and in the process I've discovered many inspiring people who are stepping into their roles in the creation of a better future for our planet - a future that will be so magical it is beyond our comprehension. Sherri Divband is one of these people. Sherri received a telepathic message from her daughter - before her daughter's birth - that she would be developing centres of learning for children, and that when her daughter was old enough, this would become her daughter's lifework.

I am including Sherri's latest interview with Jean-Claude here, which I was listening to earlier today. The entire interview is wonderful, but in the second half she specifically talks about the learning centres. Sherri's website is here:

Aramis Creative Learning Center. The Aramis Creative Learning Center, named after Sherri's daughter, Aramis, currently offers virtual classes in both US and Australian time zones: Current Classes ( These classes encompass a wide range of topics for various ages, enabling children to develop spiritual awareness, creativity, and life skills in ways that are not currently prioritized in mainstream school systems. Sherri aims to build in-person centres with areas of land large enough to include animals for the children to interact with, and she plans that these will be developed across the world as a new type of education that is more supportive of children's unique needs and abilities. Classes planned for the future are listed here: Future Classes (

Sherri has recently collaborated with Carly & Julia SoulTwins, from Adelaide, who will be working with her towards the possibility of expanding to having centres here in Australia: Carly & Julia SoulTwins - YouTube. Sherri has hired a number of Australian teachers and has been inundated with interest. Sherri has a collection of animated videos to teach children about spiritual topics that can be accessed here, at no cost: Children's Videos ( She has also developed The Aramis Collective, to begin to fundraise for the first physical learning centre in Florida: Donations (

I spent many years working with young children, and I'm not going to tell you that it was all bad; not at all. My introduction to early childhood education, from 2001 to 2004, was progressive and supportive. Looking back, I can't fault the education I received throughout my degree or during my Masters in 2013 / 2014. Something happens, however, when children move on to primary school. The pressures on children, families and teachers can be very damaging, and the loss of confidence and the love of learning is tangible and heartbreaking to many - I often discuss this with friends who are parents and with my university contacts. Even in early childhood, practice often does not reflect the progressive ideals and knowledge that is being filtered down from experienced, caring professionals and academics. For me, the burnout was so severe that I would never consider reentering the current system.

It's time for new ways of learning; something I have been dreaming about for years. Children, and the subsequent adults that they will become, should not be shutting down, suffering, detaching, or disconnecting from life and learning. As we ascend to The New Earth, we will no longer be passing pain through the generations. We will be spreading love and joy. For those who believe their children are in safe hands, I can't begin to tell you the tears I shed over the wellbeing of the children in my care or how powerless I felt against the powers that were, who tried to deny my voice. We have a role to protect children, who are physically and emotionally vulnerable and dependent on us, but we are not here to teach them. It's time we realize that they are here to teach us; to teach us unconditional love and patience, wonder and awe, and kindness and tenderness. They are here to remind us to be curious and awaken our love of learning and our joy for life, and to assist in propelling us towards the spiritual awakening and ascension that we are experiencing at this time.

Thank you Sherri! And, please spread the word about the Aramis Learning Centers and the need for nurturing, expansive and creative learning for children and adults of all ages and levels of awakening. We are in this together, and there is a role for all of us in building a world that will support every child in the world and the inner child that still exists in every one of us.

For those who are parents or teachers of young children, or for those who are interested, my first blog, Early Learning: A Blog for Educators is still available Early Learning ( I put my heart and soul into my blog for several years and I know you will find a lot of value there. I will also share my dream for the prep year: Early Learning: I have a dream (

I wrote a short book several years ago, which I re-proofread last night and would like to share - Young Children, Personality and Wellbeing: Celebrating and Supporting Children’s Uniqueness Young Children, Personality and Wellbeing: Celebrating and Supporting Children’s Uniqueness eBook : Muller, Penny: Kindle Store It includes concrete strategies for supporting children with a range of personalities and emotional needs, based on my experience as a kindergarten/preschool teacher, and I would highly recommend it for families with children of the 3-5 age-group.

Additional resources for children's learning can be found at my Teachers Pay Teachers store - Café Teacher: Penny Muller Teaching Resources | Teachers Pay Teachers.

These include my lovingly-developed Meditation Stories to read to children: Close Your Eyes: Meditation Stories for the Imagination by Penny Muller (

The Reading Comprehension activities based on the same stories: Grade 6 Reading Comprehension for the Imagination - 8 Worksheets (

And, my biggest project, a 40-lesson plan

All these resources are also available as single versions at a low cost from Teachers Pay Teachers: Penny Muller Teaching Resources | Teachers Pay Teachers.

PinkroseAustralia | Etsy for my spiritual / self-development printables / templates. or for my eBooks.

Pinterest to follow me on Pinterest.

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