Impossible things are happening every day

I went into the city on Sunday to see Rodgers' and Hammerstein's Cinderella, which featured beautiful Shubshri Kandiah as Cinderella, Silvie Paladino as a charismatic, flying Fairy Godmother, and Nicholas Hammond - aka Friedrich in The Sound of Music - as Sebastian, the Prince's guardian. What a treat! Performances, singing, sets and costumes were excellent. It was beautiful to look at. When Cinderella arrived at the ball, a little girl in the audience called out, ''It's Cinderella!" So adorable! After the performance, I was reflecting on the theme that most stood out to me; that of believing in the possible. Cinderella would state that going to the ball and marrying the prince was impossible, and The Fairy Godmother would remind her that the impossible might, in fact, be possible.
But the world is full of zanies and fools
Who don't believe in sensible rules
And won't believe what sensible people say.
And because these daft and dewey-eyed dopes keep building up impossible hopes,
Impossible things are happening every day.

I was thinking about what it means to believe, and about how we might differentiate between the possible and the 'impossible'. I grew up a very fanciful child, who loved to daydream and imagine other worlds and possibilities. I don't know whether most families encourage children's imaginations in this way. I assume there are some who encourage various levels of realism. But, certainly, so many children's books, stories and movies promote fantasy and fairytale, and the idea that children can do and be many things that do not seem possible in their actual, everyday lives. I understood what was real and what wasn't - or at least, I thought I did. I always loved the idea of fairies, unicorns, mermaids and other such creatures that I was told were not real. And, who wouldn't want to be a princess and marry a handsome prince? I was an extremely romantic child. My dad still says that I was most likely royalty in a past life, so perhaps I already had that particular experience and was just reminiscing about it.

My spiritual learning journey over the past few years has brought me full circle, and that's something that I find quite amusing. Where the path of life took me away from fantasy and fairytale, I am now embracing all the magical, mystical things that I had put aside or not yet explored. I now understand that fairies, mermaids and dragons absolutely do exist; but that they exist in other dimensions and so are invisible to most people - like spirits or galactic beings. Also, when I was a child I dreamed of meeting 'the one', but progressed through life being told that there was no 'the one', that functional relationships could be had with multiple people, and that finding someone was simply a matter of ''putting yourself out there''. Strangely, in the spiritual community, rather than being viewed as fantasy, the belief in a divine counterpart, twin flame or soulmate is almost a given.

Although, for a certain number of years, I probably somewhat became what society expected of me, I don't think I ever really lost my belief in the possible. It was too deeply part of me to be eradicated. Perhaps I just didn't voice it as openly. But, like most of us, there are fairytale moments that I am still longing to experience and that I will continue, with every breath, to keep believing in. On the other hand, my thought yesterday was that - without being preachy - it might be beneficial to balance our longing for the future by remembering to reflect on the exceptional experiences that we have had in our lives so far. For me, there have been many. Some I intentionally created, but others were wonderful surprises. There have been many times in life when I could not contain my awe and wonder at the way things unfolded for me. Sometimes our manifestations are beyond what we've dreamed for ourselves. It is so easy to compare our lives with others. There will always be someone who has had more experiences or accumulated more possessions or accomplishments than we have. And, there will always be many who haven't yet been as fortunate.

I have lived and worked in some incredible places - Melbourne, London and Switzerland - and visited many more, mostly on my own. I have indulged my love of the performing arts and seen many live performances and watched many well known performers on stage. I have also performed with some of them, and had so many 'pinch-me' moments singing in lots of beautiful venues. I have extended my singing abilities and my academic abilities further than I ever planned to. I would never have imagined that academics with PhDs would be asking for my professional opinion and that I would feel qualified to give it. I was a child who barely spoke outside of the house, and when I think of all the things I've done and experienced, I can still barely believe it. Deep down, I always knew I was capable of more than others might have imagined. Things that seemed impossible to others, seemed possible to me. There are so many practical concerns that can limit us if we let them. We have to hold fast to our visions for our lives and the roles that we see ourselves fulfilling some day. Although I feel that I have only scratched the surface of what I came here to do, I am grateful for all the times I challenged myself and accepted the opportunities that came my way.

I expect many more wonderful moments in my future; big, beautiful moments, and little everyday manifestations that will flow through my days with gentle, tumbling surprise and ease. The little things that unexpectedly pop up in response to our passing thoughts or fancies can help us to believe in the bigger things that we desire. And, in the moment, those little things often seem enough. When everyday life is magical, and we are focused on the joy that the present brings, more significant dreams are often forgotten. And, as for the bigger things; I am manifesting those that I know are for me, and staying open to the unexpected developments in my life. I am preparing for another house concert, and I have been asked to organise and perform in Opera on the Green, here on the island next year. With new friends on the island, I'm exploring possibilities with sound healing for the first time. I still can't believe all the incredible people I'm meeting and learning from here. Although the things we intentionally manifest can be very satisfying, those that unexpectedly appear can feel the most extraordinary. Maybe, in this life, in this world, with all its limitations, not everything is possible for us. But, if we believe in ourselves, in life, in the larger plan, and in the power of the universe, we can experience far more than we might have believed is possible.
Impossible, for a plain yellow pumpkin to become a golden carriage.
Impossible, for a plain country bumpkin and a prince to join in marriage,
But the world is full of zanies and fools
Who don't believe in sensible rules
And won't believe what sensible people say.
And because these daft and dewey-eyed dopes keep building up impossible hopes,
Impossible things are happening every day.
It's Possible!
It's Poss-i-ble!
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